Sunday, 29 July 2007

Killing Moon

Killing Moon

The full moon screams through
my bedroom window,
Scorching patterns on the wall.
It burns my brain,
Causing wild thoughts,
To answer the silver call.

No rest
I get up and
in search of
I find a
I’m yet again
Words forcing themselves out,
from the day
in my head,
endlessly repeating.

My eyelids prickle,
I need to sleep,
But the moon still haunts me.
The ashen shapes of furniture,
Follow me round,
Until I'm once again free.

2:15 30th July 07

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Flashback - 1970

So there I was jus browsin around some sites looking for the lyrics & tab of a song that I thought Tony Joe White used to sing round about 1969 & I found a link to my favourite rock festival ever! It cost me 50/- (that's 50 shillings or about £2.50 to you) to see all those bands. We slept in Dad's dormobile just about where the letter C for car is for MAIN CAR PARK on the map. I've still got the (slightly crumbling) programme somewhere! Go to the crowd photos & see if you can see me - I'm there somewhere!

And then I found the link to the 1969-71 Buxton All Nighters! Yes I was there too & remember the bands.

And the Nottingham ones!!!!

I've got anecdotes about all these concerts - not sure I should share them - too trivial although funny at the time, too personal or er um unsuitable.

Found that Tony Joe is still on the road singing - but never found the lyrics I was looking for. Perhaps he never sang it - I don't even know the name of the song! I suppose I'll just have to go on singing my own version & attributing it to "Tony Joe White or someone!"